
BCHD's Developer law firm - RUTAN - has another client that wants 1 Million sqft at the AES Site
Should BCHD be spending resident-taxpayer money with a pro-Developer law firm to defeat the will of the resident-taxpayers? NO! BCHD's...

Stop the RB City Council from Destroying BCHD-adjacent Areas
On December 3rd 2024, the Redondo Beach City Council will debate BCHD Spot UPZONING to a Floor Area Ratio of 1.25. BCHD has already...

BCHD Refused to Keep its Commitment to PROTECT SURROUNDING RESIDENTS
In both May and June 2017 Community Meetings, BCHD committed to protecting surrounding property with greenspace and surface parking...
Why is the Redondo Beach City Council Attempting to SPOT UPZONE BCHD?
CPRA Request - Specific Correspondence with BCHD containing well defined parameters for search Inbox Stop BCHD <>...
BCHD Measure BC was Voter-Rejected: The Explicit Direction of the Electorate to BCHD
Because only BCHD's Measure was rejected in Redondo Beach, and because the amount of the "ask" was relatively low, it's very clear that...
BCHD's Budget Forecasts a Structural Deficit
The November 2024 BCHD Finance Committee and Board Meetings will discuss the clear structural deficit that BCHD has created by...
BCHD Measure BC was Voter-Rejected: A Clear Vote of No Confidence in the Board, Executives and Future Plans for BCHD
When the failed BCHD Measure BC $30M bond is compared to the hundreds of millions of dollars in bonds for other agencies, it's clear that...
BCHD Measure BC was Voter-Rejected: We MUST Force BCHD to Restructure allcove
BCHD used allcove as a way to expand the District's services to all of LA County SPA8 (1.4M total population). SPA8 is Athens, Avalon,...
BCHD Measure BC was Voter-Rejected: Time for the Board to Resign?
According to Board Member Vanessa Poster in an October 1, 2024 City of Redondo Beach City Council Meeting, “Jane (Diehl), Martha (Koo)...
BCHD Measure BC was Voter-Rejected: What was Measure BC?
Measure BC's misleading ballot name was: BEACH CITIES HEALTH DISTRICT COMMUNITY HEALTH AND WELLNESS MEASURE If truth-in-advertising...

BCHD Board Member Poster published her DELIBERATELY MISLEADING statement to the City Council in ADVANCE of the Meeting
This is truly damning information. Hours before the Redondo Beach City Council Meeting, BCHD Board member Poster published her comments...

Daily Breeze: No on BC
Endorsement: No on Measure BC in the Beach Cities Health District By The Editorial Board | PUBLISHED: October 28, 2024...

The Loss of Neighborhood Value Adjacent to New Medical/Commercial Development
This peer reviewed journal demonstrated that for medical office or office residential, property values were deteriorated in the...
The Case for BCHD Poster's Removal from BCHD Office
We are concerned that Board Member Vanessa Poster, while in her role as an elected official of BCHD, misled the City Council on October...

BCHDs allcove - a $6.3M Grant with a $172M Cost
BCHD applied for a $6.3M grant for an allcove building . Allcove is currently housed in an ocean-view, purpose-remodeled suite on 4th...

FACT CHECK: BCHD CEO Bakaly Response to Brenda O'Leary - Page 4
This provides a high resolution version of the continued fact checking of CEO Bakaly's email posted by Ms. O'Leary LINKS...

FACT CHECK: BCHD CEO Bakaly Response to Brenda O'Leary - Page 3
This provides high resolution of our fully cited FACT CHECKING of BCHD CEO Tom Bakaly's email that was posted by Brenda O'Leary.