
BCHD made statements in its EIR that contradicted its own expert witnesses in order to falsely allege the 514 Building required demolition
More information from CPRA requests to BCHD. BCHD's expert, Youssef, stated that no ordinances require any seismic work or demolition on...

BCHD Does Not Evaluate Programs For Cost-Effectiveness
Since BCHD asserts no ability to compute the effectiveness of its programs, Resident-Taxpayers are at a disadvantage as BCHD moves to...

If BCHD were to shut itself down, the $5M in Property Taxes could move to the School Districts
Special districts get their property tax revenues based on Prop 13. When the Districts shutdown, dissolve, or bankrupt, their revenues...
BCHD was formed in 1993 - in 2019 it still had NO PROGRAM BUDGETING
BCHD Hasn't updated its HLC estimates in YEARS
How is it that BCHD has 5 year old market estimates of the assisted living tenants and has NEVER estimated the PACE enrollees from the...
BCHD's Misleading $30M Bond Funding Survey
BCHD refused to tell taxpayers that allcove has a 91% non-resident service area, that the assisted living will be 80% non-resident...

Excellent Rebuttal to the BCHD's CEOs Nonsense Letter in the Easy Reader News
Bob Pinzler is a highly respected Redondo Beach retired Councilmember. WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE EasyReader. It's a $1 a week...

Which costs more PER INCH - Tiffany Necklace or BCHD bike path?
Tiffany - $5400 for 20 inches. $270 per INCH ($3,240 per FOOT) BCHD Bikepath $1.7M for 400 feet - $354 per INCH ($4,250 per FOOT) LA...

BCHD Inflation Adjusted Spending - Executives Gain 48%, We Lost 7%
BCHD's overall revenue increased by 34% from 2013-23, BUT, BCHD elected to GIVE TO EXECUTIVE PAYROLL and TAKE AWAY FROM...

BCHD 2023 Payroll Report: 13 Executives got $2.4M for managing an average of 5 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES EACH
Email to add your name to our email list as we work to get BCHD's number of executives and executive spending reduced...

BCHD will spend 78% of all our Resident Property Tax Receipts on allcove without $175M in operating grant funding
allcove BCHD's Service Area is 91% Non-Residents of BCHD and 9% HB/RB/MB Residents Due to a $6M grant from the State BHCIP for allcove...

Update: allcove's MB/RB/HB Taxpayer Obligation Nears $175M - BCHD reveals it provides free overhead costs to allcove
BCHD recently revealed (5/22/24) that it provides $500,000 to $700,000 annually in overhead support to allcove at no charge to allcove....

Even if BCHD goes Bankrupt over $150M allcove 30-yr Obligation - TAXPAYERS PAY
There's already been at least one District BK. In that case, the judge refused to discharge the District costs, and instead forced...

BCHD's allcove Created a $150M Risk for Taxpayers
To Whom It May Concern and Submitted in the Interest of Protection of District Taxpayers: District Taxpayer Indebtedness Risk of allcove...

BCHDs allcove Obligation Created a $150M District Taxpayer Risk
To Whom It May Concern and Submitted in the Interest of Protection of District Taxpayers: District Taxpayer Indebtedness Risk of allcove...

Proposed Limit on BCHD allcove Spending - 9% of Total Costs
BCHD agreed to be the provider for allcove, a program that services LA County SPA8 from Avalon to Long Beach to LAX. Of that 1.4M...

BCHD Fast Facts May 2024
BCHD is obligated to operate the allcove program (service area is 91% non-residents of the District) and the allcove building for 30...

$152M = allcove Beach Cities 30 Year Cost & Risk Obligation to District Taxpayers for a $6.3M State Grant
(all key assumptions and findings of the analysis are footnoted and appears at the end of the text) $152,290,170 is the estimated...

BCHD Signed a 30-year allcove Building Agreement with No Financial Analysis of the Risks to District Resident-Taxpayers
No business or agency should ever execute a 30-year contract without a financial analysis. Yet BCHD never analyzed the long-term...