Why does BCHD's Bike Path Project cost $250 per INCH ($3000 per FOOT)
Updated: Jun 10, 2023
LA Times Letter to the Editor - BCHD's $250 per inch Bike Path Folly
Sat, Jun 3, 2023 at 2:35 PM
To: gormank@metro.net, executiveoffice@bos.lacounty.gov, BoardClerk@metro.net, Al.Muratsuchi@asm.ca.gov, Ben.Allen@sen.ca.gov, "Holly J. Mitchell" <HollyJMitchell@bos.lacounty.gov>, info <info@lalafco.org>, Noel Chun <noel.chun@bchd.org>, Martha Koo <martha.koo@bchd.org>, "Vanessa I. Poster" <vanessa.poster@bchd.org>, Michelle Bholat <michelle.bholat@bchd.org>, Jane Diehl <jane.diehl@bchd.org>, InspectorGeneral@oig.lacounty.gov
Cc: Eleanor Manzano <cityclerk@redondo.org>, CityClerk <CityClerk@torranceca.gov>, Kevin Cody <kevin@easyreadernews.com>, Lisa Jacobs <lisa.jacobs@tbrnews.com>, tliu@scng.com
Below is an LA Times letter to the editor. The Times was a supporter of Measure M and concerned with reasonable use of funds. "Metro's Measure M is a sales tax to fund county-wide transit projects. Metro allocated $1.8M in M funds to Beach Cities Health District to create 1200-feet of bike lanes in Torrance and Redondo Beach. That's $125 per INCH. Health districts have no expertise in roads, but Metro should. Isn't $125 per inch a poor use of taxpayer funding? It turned out BCHD didn't have approval from Torrance, so now it only plans to complete 400-feet of bike path on a 4-lane cul-de-sac and in an alley for $1.2M. That's $250 per inch. Tiffany & Co sells a nice 16-inch gold necklace for $600. That's only $40 per inch. Does NO ONE care about taxpayers any more? BCHD needs to refund the $400,000+ it has taken from Metro and turn this worthwhile project over to the cities for experienced execution. $250 per inch for a bike path destroys any taxpayer confidence in Measure M and Metro's oversight." Mark Nelson Redondo Beach Formal Complaint to Metro IG Gorman Formal Complaint to LA County IG Huntsman Public Comment to Metro Board, County Board of Supervisors, other Electeds Public Comment to Torrance and Redondo Beach City Councils and Public Works Departments FYI Only to BCHD References California Policy Council - $511 per FOOT for single lane free addition UNC Chapel Hill - $50 to $100 per FOOT for bike paths per project surveys BCHD Proposal in Redondo Beach - $3000 per FOOT to put bike path on a 4-lane developed culdesac past 6 homes and in a paved 2-lane alley.