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BCHD's Wealthy Campus gets NO CONFIDENCE vote by 9 of 12 Developers


9 out of 12 Real Estate Developers Say BCHD Proposal has Bad Economics and Bad Design

Even BCHD 2 Existing "Partners" Sunrise and Silverado wouldn't work with BCHD on the proposed WEALTHY LIVING CAMPUS.

Here's a list from BCHD's investment bankers ($2M fee) of the companies that refused to proceed to a bid on the project:

Here's a list of the primary reasons why established BCHD partners and experienced developers thought this project was a waste of time to even bid on:

This is quite the condemnation of the project by 75% of the commercial developers:

Poor Financial Feasibility

High Pre-Development Costs (BCHD is spending $16M of taxpayer funds)

Not Resident Friendly

Design Team

The full financial fiasco report is at:

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