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  • stopbchd

BCHD has lost its way (and our assets and tax funds)

It's hard to imagine how the egos of a small, 3-city health district swelled so large. How did BCHD decide to commit to servicing a population area of 1.4M with allcove Beach Cities?

Only 120,000 residents of Hermosa, Manhattan, and Redondo bought the District land, built the buildings, and paid the property taxes. We're only 9% of the allcove service area.

Yet, we give them free land. We pay $4M for the building. We are obligated to a 30-year minimum operation of the building as a mental health facility ($60M to $90M taxpayer obligation).

WHAT WAS THE $2.3M/Year Payroll of BCHD Executives THINKING?

HAVE THE BCHD BOARD MEMBERS lost their faculties?

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