Are you interested in DISSOLVING BCHD?
Updated: Aug 2, 2022
Several folks have asked about Dissolving the District. There is currently a Review of BCHD going on at an obscure agency called LALAFCO - Los Angeles Local Area Formation Commission. This is a good time to make your voice heard.
Since LALAFCO oversees (sort of) all the special districts in LA County, ANYONE that wants to comment should feel empowered to do so.
We've drafted a letter that you can email to the LALAFCO Board for their September meetings to encourage them to at least open up a proceeding to investigate BCHD and determine if it should continue to operate. Don't feel limited to these comments. You can add to THESE or send COMMENTS separately also.
Email to:
please bcc:
Email Subject: BCHD Public Comment for September 2022 LALAFCO Board Meeting
Dear Board Members of LALAFCO:
This is a comment for your September 2022 Board meeting where you will be considering the BCHD Municipal Service Review report.
BCHD should be dissolved because it is not operating for the benefit of, or in the best interest of the residents of the District.
If BCHD's project proceed, District residents will lose 3 acres of our land for up to 95 years when BCHD signs a lease with a private developer/owner/operator and if BCHD receives the needed permits from the Cities of Redondo Beach and Torrance. The developer plans to build a $12,000+/month assisted living facility for people with $200,000 and above incomes. The private facility is being built for 80% non-residents of the District.
BCHD will have no ownership in the project.
Even though BCHD will receive a rent payment of $1.5M per year for the land, BCHD will have to pay more than half of that back to the developer in rent for BCHD’s new offices and facilities in the developer’s building.
BCHD has already signed a deal for a youth wellness program called “allcove” where BCHD will provide services as far away as Long Beach. 91% of the service area for BCHD’s program will be non-residents of the District.
BCHD plans to offer an adult daycare program called PACE. BCHD refuses to say how many PACE participants they think will be from the District. National statistics show that the District should expect only 16 out of its 400 person planned capacity to come from the three beach cities. 96% of PACE enrollees will be non-residents of the District.
When South Bay Hospital District was voted into existence, it was for the benefit of the residents of the District. It is bond and property tax funded by the residents.
BCHDs proposed future project, the HLC, is for over 80% non-residents of the District. Even during Covid, BCHD tested nearly 85% non-residents and left District taxpayers with several million dollars in costs for out-of-District services and overheads.
If BCHD prefers to serve non-residents of the District, then it should be dissolved and the District’s property tax funding put to better health uses inside the District. Please add my comment to the Municipal Service Review record at the September Board meeting as a formal comment in favor of opening a proceeding to dissolve BCHD.
Thank you.
no further contact information required
cc: City Councils of Torrance and Redondo Beach