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Where is the City's or BCHD's Analysis of the Property Value Damages from the current BCHD Development

The value proposition of South Bay Hospital was to serve the "residents who reside" in the District and provide lifesaving emergency room care from a public-owned and operated hospital. The public hospital failed in 1984 and was leased to a private firm until 1998. The campus no longer provides the medical care and lifesaving ER.

According to RBMC 10-2.2502 Planning Commission Design Review ... [3] "PROTECT PROPERTY VALUES -

It's the policy of the City to assure that development "protects property values". Based on our analysis, BCHD's existing 0.72 FAR facility development (computed using BCHD's own data from its CEQA EIR filing) damages Redondo Beach property values by nearly $100M and Torrance values by $65M

BCHD must demonstrate that its proposed expansion from 312,000 sqft and 99.7% 52-feet or lower buildings will not create property value damage when expanded to 792,000 sqft with at least 300,000 sqft at 113-feet above Beryl & Flagler streets and other unknown tall, dense development.


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