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The City Denied General Plan Meeting (3/20/24) Interactive Participation on Zoom

As a result, we actively filed comments and filed a formal complaint due to the City's decision to cut out residents Zoom participation access and limit participation to in the room only.

StopBCHD Real Time Comments at of 7PM 3/20/24


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StopBCHD Group Comments

The PCDR requires that new developments are subject to protecting property values. The 0.72 FAR of BCHD site damages surrounding property by $100M.  The current 0.75 proposed FAR will result in increased property value damage.

Focused General Plan Update

51 sec ago

StopBCHD Group Comment

BCHD's HLC is supermajority benefit of non-residents

RCFE - BCHD's MDS consultant demonstrates 91% non-Redondo Beach resident tenants by zip code for the assisted living

PACE - BCHD's PACE will be 97% non-Redondo Beach resident enrollees.

allcove - BCHD's allcove services LA County SPA8 (1.4M population) and is 95% non-Redondo Beach residents.

While the damages of P/I fall entirely to Redondo Beach, the benefits of BCHD proposed HLC accrue to 91% to 97% non-Redondo Beach residents. 

Residents should NOT have damages to service NON-RESIDENTS on P/I land 

Focused General Plan Update

5 min 7 sec ago

StopBCHD Group Comment

Sites developed by the City of Redondo Beach for the majority benefit of residents should not require any PCDR process. They should be assumed compliant.

Focused General Plan Update

1 hour 16 min ago

StopBCHD Group Comment

It should be explicitly stated that P/I land use should be for at least a majority benefit of the residents of Redondo Beach. The damages accrue 100% to Redondo Beach residents, therefore, they should receive a minimum level of a majority of benefits from the land use.

Focused General Plan Update

1 hour 17 min ago

StopBCHD Group Comment

At least one P/I site, the BCHD campus, no longer has a hospital, therefore, "associated medical" are no long permitted uses. The can be allowed to remain until their natural sunset lifespans.

Focused General Plan Update

1 hour 20 min ago

StopBCHD Group Comment

The State mandate for objective (not subjective) standards requires the city abandon the PCDR chosen FAR and it be replaced by objective standards. This proposal is consistent with State mandate.

Focused General Plan Update

1 hour 23 min ago

StopBCHD Group Comment

Nick Biro was the Chair of GPAC and a $10,000 to $15,000 per month retained consultant of BCHD. Mr. Biro had both a GPAC obligation and a fiduciary taxpayer obligation via his BCHD to review all draft General Plan documents and provide comments timely.

Focused General Plan Update

1 hour 30 min ago

StopBCHD Group Comment

March, August and September 2022 GPAC meetings and 2024 CEQA NOP for GP all included public notice of the P/I proposed 0.75 and 1.25 FAR.

Focused General Plan Update

1 hour 32 min ago

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