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BCHD Misrepresents ... why did BCHD hide a planned a power plant and fuel tanks next to homes?

BCHD added a building next to Diamond Street in its plans, but it REFUSED to say why. BCHD claimed in a public records act response that it didn't know. DIDN'T KNOW? That's crazy talk. No one pays their architect million$ to add unknown buildings. Ok, BCHD has no experience - but seriously - "hey architect - add an extra building and we'll figure out why later?" Doubtful.

We asked BCHD in a California Public Records Act request

And their reply was - pound sand - you taxpayers may OWN BCHD but we don't have to tell you anything!

From:> Date: Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 5:47 PM Subject: RE: CPRA - Never before seen structures included in Dec 2020 presentation

Please see below for the District’s response (in red) to your public records request dated 1/8/21 that reads:

QUESTION - Please provide documents explaining the size and purpose of the structures on the BCHD diagram below that appear to be adjacent to the Diamond culdecac:

ANSWER FROM BCHD - Your request seeks records that are not related to final determinations, or to records that have not already been published. Such information remains privileged by the District.

Subject: Public Comment - BCHD withheld planned installation of dangerous Electrical Generation Equipment and Potentially Explosive Fuel Tanks from the Public

To: Communications <> Cc: <>, <>, Paul Novak <>, <>, Eleanor Manzano <>, CityClerk <>

Below is a California Public Records Act response from BCHD where they deliberately withheld from surrounding neighbors information about a potential fire and explosion hazard.

In December 2020, BCHD placed a set of structures on their engineering diagrams and refused to reveal the name or purpose of the diagrams. Eventually, in 2022, BCHD revealed to neighbors less than 100 feet away that the enclosure will contain a 2000 kW electric generator and associated fuel storage. This puts emissions, vibration, and an explosion hazard directly across a residential street from homes and abuts 1410 Diamond following the CIty of Redondo's donation of Flagler Alley to BCHD.

BCHD has continually sought to hide information from the public by hiding behind various CPRA exemptions of release. BCHD asserts it is transparent, but hiding the nature of dangerous industrial equipment and fuel storage from the neighborhoods, after direct CPRA questioning, is unconscionable.

BCHD CEO Bakaly uses the following statement ONLY when it's convenient for BCHD financial motives, such as seeking to demolish the 514 building, but when placing potentially 1000s of gallons of explosive fuel near homes, CEO Bakaly conveniently ignores his own statement of BCHD having a "moral obligation to protect the community."

Moral organizations do not deliberately deceive the public and refuse to disclose explosive storage of fuel along with toxic air contaminants that are upwind from neighborhoods and elementary schools.

---------- Forwarded message --------- From:> Date: Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 5:47 PM Subject: RE: CPRA - Never before seen structures included in Dec 2020 presentation

Please see below for the District’s response (in red) to your public records request dated 1/8/21 that reads:

QUESTION - Please provide documents explaining the size and purpose of the structures on the BCHD diagram below that appear to be adjacent to the Diamond culdecac:

ANSWER FROM BCHD - Your request seeks records that are not related to final determinations, or to records that have not already been published. Such information remains privileged by the District.

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