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BCHD Ignores the Impact of Radically Reduced Setback on Mass

RBMC and its reference to the Residential Design Guidelines are clear - "[t]hese design guidelines ... accomplish this objective by ensuring ... compatible in mass, scale, and other design features with surrounding development; and preserve and contribute to the unique character of established neighborhoods."

BCHD proposed Phase 1 is not even compatible with the mass and scale of the existing campus, it is much more dominant. Furthermore, BCHDs proposed 800,000 SQFT near tripling of the campus size and doubling of the campus height swamp the surrounding neighborhood character.

Statistical analysis is clear that setback from the site perimeter is the single most dominant factor in the impression of architectural mass. Yet, BCHD continues to assert that the proposed 300,000 SQFT building at 110-feet above Beryl & Flagler is consistent with the 30-foot (or less) height limit of surrounding neighborhoods.

Further, BCHD asserts that the 968 SQFT of "Penthouse" at 76-feet that is nearly in the center of the site is somehow justification for the immense negative impact of a planning one acre footprint building at 110-feet.

BCHDs position is thoroughly indefensible.

The BCHD project as proposed violates RBMC and the rights of surrounding residents.

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