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BCHD Hasn't updated its HLC estimates in YEARS

How is it that BCHD has 5 year old market estimates of the assisted living tenants and has NEVER estimated the PACE enrollees from the District? This is nearly as poor management and oversight as BCHD entering into a 30 year allcove agreement without estimating the cost of the obligation ($175M)

Please see below (in red) for the District’s response to your public records request received 4/30/24 that reads:


Provide documents for the following as of 4/30/24:

1) Most current publicly available RCFE projections for resident-tenants from 90254, 90266, 90277, 90278 in the proposed HLC RCFE

Please see Market Feasibility Study 2019 on the Healthy Living Campus website (The Campus Tab):


2) Most current publicly available PACE projections for resident-enrollees from 90254, 90266, 90277, 90278 in the proposed BCHD PACE facility

There are no publicly posted responsive records.

To the extent that your request seeks records that are not related to final determinations, or to records that have not already been published, such information remains privileged under the deliberative process privilege by the District. 


3) Changes, if any, to the publicly allcove LA County SPA8 service area.

There are no changes to the LA County SPA8 service area.

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