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BCHD continues to be a real estate developer and road contractor instead of servicing RESIDENTS

Updated: May 19, 2023

From even the most casual review, BCHD spent around $500K planning the bike path from Beryl & Flagler; along Flagler in Torrance with extensive road changes; through Flagler Alley in Torrance with planned hillside modifications; and then a 200-foot long strip in Redondo Beach. Based on the distance and work planned, well over half of the expenditure would have been for Torrance.

BCHD failed the most basic fiduciary control before it spent Measure M funding - BCHD failed to secure approval from Torrance. As a result, BCHD has likely squandered hundreds of thousands of dollars that it must repatriate to Measure M. Sadly, the management and Board of BCHD will have no liability due to poor public sector controls.

BCHD announced that it plans to spend $1.8M to improve that 200-feet in Redondo Beach from Diamond & Prospect to the Torrance city border in Flagler Alley. That is both an unreasonable, exorbitant expenditure and also a stranded segment as Torrance has rejected the work from the Torrance border to Beryl & Flagler.

BCHD should not be allowed to waste scarce taxpayer resources on a 200-foot strip of stranded bike path for $2M. We have homeless residents inside the District and BCHD needs to stop playing real estate developer for a 100% privately owned building and get back to basics - providing benefits to the "Residents who reside" in the District.

Public Comment: Torrance and Redondo Beach Councils, Public Works Directors, and Planning Commissions

From BCHD self-serving public promotion announcement:

Redondo Beach Phase of the Diamond Street and Flagler Lane Bike & Pedestrian Path Beach Cities Health District (BCHD) is working with the Cities of Redondo Beach and Torrance to implement a bicycle and pedestrian improvement project that runs adjacent to its Prospect Campus. The Diamond Street and Flagler Lane Bike & Pedestrian Path will provide an important connection between commercial, residential and recreational areas within the region. The new path will add bicycle facilities, sidewalks, and improved lighting to enhance safety and accessibility and promote active transportation. This project is funded by a Measure M grant from Los Angeles County Metro. The Diamond Street & Flagler Lane Bike and Pedestrian Path Project is under Measure M Multi-Year Subregional Program (MSP) projects for the South Bay Subregion for the Transportation System & Mobility Improvement Program. The project was recommended to Metro for funding by the South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG) in February 2019. The project will add a bike path, pedestrian infrastructure and improved lighting and safety enhancements to improve accessibility, promote active transportation and enhance multi-modal mobility options. Project Updates:

  • Redondo Phase Plans & Rendering – Scheduled Summer 2023

    • The Redondo Phase is expected to start July 2023, and expected to be completed by fall 2023. Official dates will be posted and updated on this page

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